
Sunday, May 17, 2009

I found a great idea for a Halloween game for kids and adults alike. You take an empty water bottle and fill it full of bird seed and add about 40 random tiny Halloween objects as you add the bird seed. You make a list of all the stuff and the kids have to shake the bottle, twist it and turn it to bring things up to the sides so they can see them and mark them off.

I actually made about a dozen of these at my brother's house a couple weeks ago. My mom and I took a trip to see him and his wife and kids. His wife was making a couple and my mom loved them so much she wanted to make a bunch for all her friends grandkids so we did! They were as much fun to make as they were to play with!

Here's the instructions for making them! I call them a Halloween Treasure Bottle. You'll find them fourth down on the list. Enjoy!


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